Monday, February 14, 2011

Lake Update

We met the contractor today at the cottage ( Eddie has another name for it). Progress is being made in a big way. They have ripped the back porch and steps off and have started repairing the foundation. I guess who ever built the proch and steps meant it to be there for eternity.... rebar was placed every six inches and a jackhammer was needed to remove the porch and steps. Two trees that look bad were pointed out and may need to come down sooner than later.THEY ARE HUGE TREES! On the good side we won't have to buy firewood for a very...very... long time once they are cut down. They walls are down and new wiring, insulation and pocket doors will be going in soon. the floors in the bedrooms are hardwood and can be refinished.The found water in the the livingroom and will be letting us know if the roof is going to need to be replaced.The floor in the livingroom has tile over the wood floors and they are not sure if the tile can be taken off without damaging the floors.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I LOVE Diamond Cellar!!!!

We have been shopping at Diamond Cellar since we got my engngement ring and our wedding bands. Then went back when Eddie redesigned my engagement and wedding ring into one ring which I had been wanting done for quite some time. They sent an email out a few weeks ago that showed some new products I had to today we stopped by after lunch. I wanted the ring for sure and Eddie insisted on the bracelet too. They are so comfortable and not all that expensive.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The wealthy on the island

When we were at the cottage yesterday we were amazed by the house that is replacing one that was demoed late last year......this house already had an inground pool. We are still very happy with what we are doing...........just planning the addition we want to do in about 5 years..........